A key to implant success is the quantity and quality of the bone where the implant is placed. Certain conditions like periodontal disease or tooth loss can cause bone deficiency. Fortunately, there are procedures that can rectify these issues.
Bone Grafts/Soft Tissue Grafts
Bone grafting can make implants possible for patients who are experiencing bone loss or bone deficiency. Soft tissue grafts can help enhance the quality of your gum tissue to support healthy dental implant placement. These procedures can improve the long-term stability of dental implants.
Sinus Lift
The upper back jaw is an area of the mouth that is prone to bone deficiency. This is often related to its close proximity to the sinus. Sinus lift surgery can help correct this problem by raising the sinus floor, and introduce additional bone which allows the placement of dental implants. This surgery has been shown to greatly increase your chances for successful implants. Many patients experience minimal discomfort during this procedure.